Product Details


  • PRODUCT CATEGORY: ACE MEF Transformation & Wellbeing Tools

This is a pack to correct the environment and the negative effects of a laptop.



What is Geopathic Stress?

We have all learned in school, through our Physics classes, that a magnet has an electromagnetic field. Similarly, a running stream of water underground also has a field and every other material found under the earth too. We human beings also have a field.

Geopathic stress is the connection between the energies/field of the earth and people’s well being. If this field is parallel to our field then that’s great. However, the vibrations given out by different earth energies tend to decrease one’s immunity to fight off diseases.  If certain energies cross our field when we are sleeping, such as - underwater currents - then there is a sort of stress or disturbance in our field. This cutting or crossing of the field causes our body to be imbalanced.

In general, any stress arising from the earth which is not congenial to humans is known as Geopathic Stress.


Signs of Geopathic Stress in the house:

1. Mould, lichen, moss on areas such as the roof, wall or lawn can be signs of Geopathic Stress.

2. Several animals such as dogs, cows and horses avoid areas which have Geopathic Stress. However, ants, wasps, bees and even cats are attracted to Geopathic Stress. Hence, if a house is surrounded by any of those following animals/creatures it could be a sign of Geopathic Stress.

3. A geological fault line may be indicated by the presence of cracks in walls, driveways, paving stones, kerbstones and roads.

4. A gap between hedges, may indicate the position of a line of geopathic stress crossing the hedge.

5. It could be a sign of geopathic stress if neighbors or previous occupants have been in poor health.

Geopathic Stress Solutions

Ideally, we should leave a place which has Geopathic Stress. But because of rapid urbanization we don’t want to leave our space thus, we need to neutralize the stress.

There are several devices that have been developed to clear a home of the negative energies. DRPF has taken one such successful device to the highest level of consciousness so that we could manifest, enrich and fulfill this goal of correction of Geopathic Stress which is everlasting.

The Geo Environment Device not only pushes this stress deeper into the earth, but neutralizes the change in the

individual. Moreover, it constantly works on correcting the disturbance if any and also expanding the very consciousness field of that space.

Usually, the similar device, before/without MEF Enrichment, spreads its effect to a couple of meters.

However, the MEF Geo Environment Device has an effect for several meters. It not only enriches the space, but also enriches the surrounding space such as the neighborhood. All these effects are measurable with the MEF Consciousness Scanner.


- Request a certified MEF Consciousness Scanner Consultant to locate the exact position of Geopathic Stress.

- Activate the 12D Geo Environment Device under the guidance of a MEF Consciousness Scanner Consultant.

- Ideally the 12D Geo Environment Device should be placed under the ground at that point. However if that is not possible place it over the ground.

- For underground installation a square pit 1ft by 1ft should be dug.

- Fill in a layer of crystal salt at the base of the pit.

- Now place the activated 12D Geo Environment Device in the center of the pit over the salt layer.

- As per your personal beliefs you can chant / sing a hymn while doing the installation process. This inculcates the positive sound vibrations into the correction process.

- Now fill the pit with mud. Then, as per your personal beliefs, plant a  sapling (e.g. Tulsi) of a plant that is considered holy / positive.

- Now that the installation process is complete you can ask the MEF Consciousness Scanner Consultant to measure the balancing field of influence the 12D Geo Environment Device has.

Size: Regular


The Geo Environment Device once installed should remain undisturbed / untouched.