Product Details


  • PRODUCT CATEGORY: ACE MEF Transformation & Wellbeing Tools

Click here to purchase the OUR SOLUTION CARD...


Brief Description

Historically we already know the value and power of symbols, words, colors, paper and any form of matter, in which an essence of the same universal consciousness exists. All the knowledge has been assimilated, integrated and then imprinted on the Solution Series of Cards along with the MEF Science, which has thereby created a unique system. he Solution Series of Cards help one repair and modify all the imbalances whether it is physically, mentally, and/or emotionally from the past, present and/or for the future. It is embodied to help enrich and balance at a customized level. It's a system, which helps one correct imbalance at the karmic, astrological, health (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally) and on spiritual levels. This will help one to fulfill their very purpose of life, which is the unique desire of our spirit. Solution cards can be made to help for any imbalance in creation such as for ones family, home, business and/or environment. Remember these are powerful customized systems and help only the individual family, home or business whose name has been written Moksha, liberation, salvation and very purpose of life can be attained by anyone and anything at any time. There is no question of waiting it happens and it happens in the NOW. The OUR Solution Card is for immediate family (first generation) and/or group of friends. It can be customized to ones goals and/or needs.


1) Name of the family or group in the front of the card and country of residence.

2) Stick a photo at the back of the card in the middle with photo facing front of the card.

3) Write the names below each person on the photo.

4) For more effective results place fingerprints of the owners and members with oil on the back of the card.

5) On the front of the card go from the edge to the center in a clockwise fashion and activate each symbol by making a dot on its nine corners. Please note that you should use the DRPF Stylo to do this.

6) Once you have completed the activation of each word then make a 3.6 clockwise spiral over each word and the whole card.

7) This process should be completed by the owner or a Life Consultant using the DRPF Stylo.

8) The life consultant can guide you on where to place the card, based on where your group works together.

9) On a daily basis each member of this group should connect with this card by focusing on their heart and placing their hands an inch away from the card for at least 30 seconds.

Care of the card:

All Cards must be kept in a protective cover or framed and be with you at all times.


1) The card must be used by the owner of the card only.

2) Once activated it will only help that person.